Visualizing the DHS Data

Let us load the data we will need:

dhs14_design <- readRDS("data/dhs14_design.RDS")
dhs.df14 <- readRDS("data/dhs.df14.RDS")

Visualizing Data

Three common ways to generate basic graphics in R are via - base R - lattice - ggplot2

We will skip base R graphics since ggplot2 will be the graphics package for this class. Let us see how we use it, starting with a simple bar-chart

Remember the typical options…

ggplot2 can work with unit-level data (i.e., one row per observation) AND it can also work with calculated values stored in a data-frame (like our survey-weighted estimates from BRFSS/DHS)

we will see both ways in action


Educational Attainment (educ)

ggplot(data = dhs.df14, aes(x = educat)) + geom_bar()

Educational attainment by Wealth quintiles

ggplot(data = dhs.df14, aes(x = educat, group = wealthq, fill = wealthq)) +

ggplot(data = dhs.df14, aes(x = educat, group = wealthq, fill = wealthq)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge")

ggplot(data = dhs.df14, aes(x = educat, group = wealthq, fill = wealthq)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge") +
  facet_wrap(~ educat)

ggplot(data = dhs.df14, aes(x = educat, group = wealthq, fill = wealthq, y = ..prop..)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge") +
  facet_wrap(~ wealthq, ncol = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Weighted estimates

These are all unweighted estimates; how would we plot the weighted estimates?

tab.1 <- svymean(~ educat, dhs14_design, na.rm = TRUE)
tab.1 <- * 100
tab.1 <- round(tab.1, digits = 1)
                           mean  SE
educatno education         24.0 0.6
educatincomplete primary    6.1 0.2
educatcomplete primary      4.1 0.2
educatincomplete secondary 13.3 0.3
educatcomplete secondary   38.5 0.6
educathigher               13.9 0.5
tab.1p <- tab.1 %>% 
  mutate(educ = rownames(tab.1),
         educ = stringr::str_replace(educ, "educat", ""),
         educ = stringr::str_to_title(educ),
         educ = ordered(educ, 
                        levels = c("No Education", "Incomplete Primary",
                                   "Complete Primary", "Incomplete Secondary", 
                                   "Complete Secondary", "Higher")

mean SE educ
24.0 0.6 No Education
6.1 0.2 Incomplete Primary
4.1 0.2 Complete Primary
13.3 0.3 Incomplete Secondary
38.5 0.6 Complete Secondary
13.9 0.5 Higher
ggplot(data = tab.1p, aes(x = educ, y = mean)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") 

Weighted Educational attainment by Wealth quintiles?

tab.ew <- svyby(~educat, ~wealthq, dhs14_design, svymean, na.rm = TRUE)
tab.ew <- tab.ew[, c(1:7)] 
tab.ew2 <-  tab.ew[, c(2:7)] * 100  
tab.ew2 <- round(tab.ew2, digits  = 1)

educatno education educatincomplete primary educatcomplete primary educatincomplete secondary educatcomplete secondary educathigher
poorest 47.7 8.6 4.3 13.8 22.7 3.0
poorer 37.4 8.9 4.9 14.8 30.4 3.6
middle 18.9 6.1 3.7 14.6 46.5 10.2
richer 14.0 5.1 5.0 13.8 44.8 17.3
richest 5.4 2.3 2.8 9.4 45.3 34.8
tab.ew3 <- tab.ew2 %>% 
  mutate(Wealth = rownames(tab.ew2)) %>% 
  gather(Education, Percent, 1:6)  %>% 
  mutate(Education = substring(Education, 7),
         Education = stringr::str_to_title(Education)
         ) %>% 
  mutate(Education2 = ordered(Education, 
                        levels = c("No Education", "Incomplete Primary",
                                   "Complete Primary", "Incomplete Secondary", 
                                   "Complete Secondary", "Higher")
         Wealth = stringr::str_to_title(Wealth)
         ) %>% 
  mutate(Wealth2 = ordered(Wealth, 
                           levels = c("Poorest", "Poorer",
                                      "Middle", "Richer",

Wealth Education Percent Education2 Wealth2
Poorest No Education 47.7 No Education Poorest
Poorer No Education 37.4 No Education Poorer
Middle No Education 18.9 No Education Middle
Richer No Education 14.0 No Education Richer
Richest No Education 5.4 No Education Richest
Poorest Incomplete Primary 8.6 Incomplete Primary Poorest
Poorer Incomplete Primary 8.9 Incomplete Primary Poorer
Middle Incomplete Primary 6.1 Incomplete Primary Middle
Richer Incomplete Primary 5.1 Incomplete Primary Richer
Richest Incomplete Primary 2.3 Incomplete Primary Richest
Poorest Complete Primary 4.3 Complete Primary Poorest
Poorer Complete Primary 4.9 Complete Primary Poorer
Middle Complete Primary 3.7 Complete Primary Middle
Richer Complete Primary 5.0 Complete Primary Richer
Richest Complete Primary 2.8 Complete Primary Richest
Poorest Incomplete Secondary 13.8 Incomplete Secondary Poorest
Poorer Incomplete Secondary 14.8 Incomplete Secondary Poorer
Middle Incomplete Secondary 14.6 Incomplete Secondary Middle
Richer Incomplete Secondary 13.8 Incomplete Secondary Richer
Richest Incomplete Secondary 9.4 Incomplete Secondary Richest
Poorest Complete Secondary 22.7 Complete Secondary Poorest
Poorer Complete Secondary 30.4 Complete Secondary Poorer
Middle Complete Secondary 46.5 Complete Secondary Middle
Richer Complete Secondary 44.8 Complete Secondary Richer
Richest Complete Secondary 45.3 Complete Secondary Richest
Poorest Higher 3.0 Higher Poorest
Poorer Higher 3.6 Higher Poorer
Middle Higher 10.2 Higher Middle
Richer Higher 17.3 Higher Richer
Richest Higher 34.8 Higher Richest
ggplot(data = tab.ew3, aes(x = Education2, y = Percent, group = Wealth2, fill = Education2)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  facet_wrap(~Wealth2, ncol = 5) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))

Histograms with hemoglobin concentration

hemoglobinData <- read.csv(url(""))

ggplot(data = hemoglobinData, aes(x = hemoglobin)) + geom_histogram(fill="cornflowerblue", color = "white") + 
  labs(x = "Hemoglobin in grams (gm) per deciliter (dL)",  
       y = "Frequency", 
       title = "Histogram of Hemoglobin Concentration in Adult Males") 

But this masks four different populations …

ggplot(data = hemoglobinData, aes(x = hemoglobin, group = population, fill = population)) +
  geom_histogram(color = "white") +
  facet_wrap(~population) + 
  labs(x = "Hemoglobin in grams (gm) per deciliter (dL)", 
       y = "Frequency", 
       title = "Histogram of Hemoglobin Concentration in Adult Males") 

One useful design element with breakouts is placing in relief the consolidated data (i.e., the distribution without break-outs)

ggplot(data = hemoglobinData, aes(x = hemoglobin, fill = population)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 10, color = "white") + 
  geom_histogram(data = hemoglobinData[, -3], bins = 10, fill = "grey", alpha = .5) + 

Ridge-plots with hemoglobin concentration

The distribution of hemoglobin in four populations (the US being the reference group), part of a study looking at the impacy of altitude on hemoglobin concentration (courtesy Whitlock and Schluter).


ggplot(hemoglobinData, aes(x = hemoglobin, y = population)) +
  geom_density_ridges(scale = 3, alpha = 0.3, aes(fill = population)) +
  labs(title = 'Hemoglobin Concentration Levels', subtitle = 'in Four populations') + theme_ridges() +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")  

They are visually appealing when comparing a large number of groups on a single continuous variable and using simple facet-wrap or other options would be infeasible.

Box-plots with hemoglobin concentration

ggplot(data = hemoglobinData, aes(y = hemoglobin, fill = population, x = population)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")


Let us read-in the 2018 County Health Rankings data and then see how unhealthy days correlate

chr18 <- read_excel("data/2018CountyHealthRankingsData-v1.xlsx", sheet = "Ranked Measure Data", skip = 1)

ggplot(data = chr18, aes(x = `Physically Unhealthy Days`, y = `Mentally Unhealthy Days`)) +

patchwork to combine plots


p1 <- ggplot(data = hemoglobinData, aes(y = hemoglobin, fill = population, x = population)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

p2 <- ggplot(data = dhs.df14, aes(x = educ, group = wealthq, fill = wealthq, y = ..prop..)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge") +
  facet_wrap(~ wealthq, ncol = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

p3 <- ggplot(hemoglobinData, aes(x = hemoglobin, y = population)) +
  geom_density_ridges(scale = 3, alpha = 0.3, aes(fill = population)) +
  labs(title = 'Hemoglobin Concentration Levels',
       subtitle = 'in Four populations') +
  theme_ridges() +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")  

(p1 + p2) + p3 + plot_layout(ncol = 1)

p3 + (p1 + p3) + plot_layout(ncol = 1) 


ggplot(economics, aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) +
  geom_line() + 
  labs(x = "Date", y = "Unemployment Rate") +

Mapping with ggplot2 and leaflet

The essentials …

Several packages available to generate maps but we will focus on ggplot2, rgdal and leaflet

First things first: Make sure you extract all files in the archive I sent to you and put them in data/egyshp1/. These were secured from this site

These files are also available from other locations, including diva-gis, here and several other locations

Make sure you have rgdal and any dependencies asked for installed as well

Assuming the files were extracted and are in data/egyshp1/ we can read the shapefile and plot it to make sure it read fine

egyshp1 <- readOGR("data/egyshp1", "egy_admbnda_adm1_capmas_20170421")
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "/Users/ruhil/Documents/github/aniruhilorg/workshops/fulbright/handouts/data/egyshp1", layer: "egy_admbnda_adm1_capmas_20170421"
with 27 features
It has 16 fields

Maps are useful for showing distributions of variables by using colors to show different values or grouped values

For example, say I want to show the distribution of the highest wealth quintile in each Governorate. I’ll need a few things.

  1. The shapefile for the Governorates
  2. The survey-weighted estimates of wealth quintiles
  3. The centroid of each Governorate so I can label each Governorate
  4. ggplot2

We have the shapefile so let us rebuild the survey-weighted estimates

tab.4 <- svyby(~wealthq, ~governorates, dhs14_design, svymean, na.rm = TRUE)
tab.4 <- tab.4[, c(2:11)] * 100 
tab.4 <- round(tab.4, digits = 1) 

colnames(tab.4) <- gsub(x = colnames(tab.4), pattern = "wealthq", replacement = "")

tab.4 <- tab.4 %>%
  mutate(Governorate = rownames(tab.4))

Next we build the centroids

egypt1 <- fortify(egyshp1, region = "ADM1_EN")
egypt1map <- egypt1 %>%
  arrange(id, group, order)

getLabelPoint <- function(govname){
  Polygon(govname[c("long", "lat")])@labpt

centroids = by(egypt1map, egypt1map$id, getLabelPoint)
centroids2 <-"", centroids)
centroids2$govname = rownames(centroids)
names(centroids2) <- c("clong", "clat", "govname")

     clong     clat    govname
1 29.74268 30.83925 Alexandria
2 31.64003 27.33632     Assiut
3 32.58306 23.36420      Aswan
4 30.27643 30.62397     Behera
5 31.07534 28.80985  Beni Suef
6 31.59982 29.95994      Cairo

Now a simple map that uses a unique color for and labels each Governorate

ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(data = egypt1map, 
               aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = id), color = "black") +
  geom_text_repel(data = centroids2, 
                  aes(x = clong, y = clat, label = govname), size = 2.25, force = 10) +
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
  theme_map() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Now we replace the arbitray fill colors with colors based on the percent in the Highest wealth quintile in each governorate

… but this requires us to merge tab4 with egypt1map, using governorate names as the merge key Unfortunately, the spellings differ slightly so we have to fix that first

tab.4b <- tab.4 %>% 
  select(c(11, 1:5)) %>%
  tidyr::gather(Wealth, percent, 2:6)  %>%
  mutate(Wealth = stringr::str_to_title(Wealth))

tab.4b$Wealth <- ordered(tab.4b$Wealth,
                         levels = c("Poorest", "Poorer", "Middle", "Richer", "Richest")
                         ) <- tab.4b %>%
  mutate(Governorate = gsub("Assuit", "Assiut", Governorate),
         Governorate = gsub("Kafr El-Sheikh", "Kafr El-Shikh", Governorate),
         Governorate = gsub("Kalyubia", "Kalyoubia", Governorate),
         Governorate = gsub("Matroh", "Matrouh", Governorate),
         Governorate = gsub("Menya", "Menia", Governorate),
         Governorate = gsub("Souhag", "Suhag", Governorate)

map.df <- merge(, egypt1map, by.x = "Governorate", by.y = "id", all = TRUE)

map.df2 <- map.df %>%
  filter(Wealth == "Richest") %>%
  arrange(Governorate, group, order) %>%
  mutate(Wealth = factor(Wealth, ordered = FALSE))

and now the map …

ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(data = map.df2, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = percent),
               color = "black") +
  geom_text_repel(data = centroids2, aes(x = clong, y = clat, label = govname), size = 3.5, color = "red") +
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
  theme_map() +
  labs(fill = "Highest Quintile (%)") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  scale_fill_viridis("cividis", direction = -1)

Leaflet map of Egypt

leaflet(width = "100%", height = "60%") %>% 
  setView(lat = 26.878860, lng = 32.324557, zoom = 5) %>% 

.. and now adding specific locations

leaflet(width = "100%", height = "60%") %>% 
  setView(lat = 26.878860, lng = 32.324557, zoom = 5) %>% 
  addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(lat = 30.024065, lng = 31.207363,
             popup = c("Cairo University, 26F4+4W Giza, Al Omraneyah, Egypt")) %>%
  addMarkers(lat = 23.997723, lng = 32.859877, 
             popup = c("Aswan University, XVW5+JX Tingar, Manteqet as Sad Al Aali, Qism Aswan, Egypt")